
28th July 2011
‘Double cost of cut-price booze’The cost of cheap alcohol in supermarkets and off-licences should be doubled in order to tackle anti-social behaviour, it has been claimed.
26th July 2011
Detox unit to open in TullowSt. Francis Farm drug treatment centre in Tullow has received a cash injection to the tune of €25,000 to allow it to open at ten-bed, medically-supervised detox facility.
26th July 2011
Rising stress that catches us unawaresThats’s Men: Stress can go on building up for months after certain upsetting events – that’s according to researchers at Brown University in the US.
26th July 2011
The better the education, the better the healthQualifications work like a vaccination against ill health.
25th July 2011
Could two Mayo publicans have exposed a gaping hole in Ireland’s legal system?Two Mayo publicans may have exposed a gaping hole in the Irish justice system, after escaping prosecution for keeping their pubs open after hours – because the appropriate laws don’t exist in Irish.
25th July 2011
Smoking: Sometimes it’s good to be a quitterIt looks like cigarettes sold here will soon have to carry photographic warnings on their packaging in a bid to turn people off the habit.
25th July 2011
Drug treatment court scheme extendedThe Courts Service and the HSE have agreed to admit participants from all areas of Dublin north of the Liffey into the drug treatment court in order to increase participation in the scheme.
23rd July 2011
Tallaght Drugs Task Force: Invite to TenderTallaght Drugs Task Force invites tenders from interested parties to review and assess the effectiveness of Tallaght Local Drugs Task Force funded projects and their relevance in the context of current substance misuse issues in the community.
23rd July 2011
Russia finally rules beer is ‘alcohol’ and not foodRussian President Dmitry Medvedev has recently signed a bill that officially classifies beer as being ‘alcoholic’.
20th July 2011
Newman charity gives €25k to supply detox beds for drug addictsPaul Newmans charitable legacy has yet again benefited Ireland with a €25,000 cheque to fund much-needed medical detox beds for drug addicts.