
16th August 2011
Is rehab the best solution to addiction?Some people seem to spend their time going in and out of rehab, so how can they kick their addiction once and for all.
13th August 2011
The Dublin North East Drugs Task Force: Invite to TenderTender for the delivery of Strengthening Families Programme in DNEDTF Area.
13th August 2011
Major Dublin rally of young recovering alcoholicsHundreds of young recovering alcoholics from all over the world arrived into Citywest in Dublin yesterday for the second annual European Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous conference.
12th August 2011
Analysts’ problems not just in the mindPsychiatry is on the couch and must look at issues such as its relationship with ‘Big Pharma’.
10th August 2011
Howth Peninsula Drug Awareness Group: Invite to TenderHowth Peninsula Drug Awareness Group Ltd is a project that provides services in relation to Drug and Alcohol issues in the Communities of Howth, Sutton and Baldoyle.
9th August 2011
Addiction: What gets us hooked?Some people have their lives destroyed by drugs or alcohol, while others can indulge and walk away. Now doctors are beginning to understand the reasons why.
9th August 2011
Celebrating sobriety in societyA conference for young people in Alcoholics Anonymous aims to lift the stigma associated with youth addiction.
8th August 2011
New plan to legalise use of medicinal cannabisThe Government is considering proposals to make cannabis-based medicines available by prescription here.
6th August 2011
Derry: McGuinness opens garden of remembrance for addictsVictims of addiction helped create a garden of remembrance unveiled today in honour of those who lost their lives to drink and drugs.
5th August 2011
Community Awareness of Drugs TrainingOne day training for those wishing to make effective drugs and alcohol interventions in a variety of settings.