
29th August 2011
St Pat’s study sheds light on codeineIt is now a year since restrictions on the sale of over-the-counter medications containing codeine came into force.
28th August 2011
Tablets recalled after fears of ‘tampering’The Irish Medicines Board (IMB) yesterday began recalling all packs of Nurofen Plus tablets from Irish wholesalers for checking after some were sabotaged in the UK.
26th August 2011
€3.7bn – The hidden price of alcoholTHE Government should “seriously consider” raising taxes on alcohol to reduce the estimated €3.7 billion cost to the state from alcohol abuse, according to a HSE report on the issue.
23rd August 2011
Drink drivers to get second chance under lower limitsMotorists caught just over the new drink-driving limit will be hit with penalty points and a €220 onthe- spot fine instead of losing their licence.
22nd August 2011
Herbal remedies—inform yourself to avoid harmMany people may still be unaware that certain herbal medicines can have potentially dangerous interactions with other drugs.
22nd August 2011
Tender for Citywide Drugs Crisis Campaign Policy DevelopmentCitywide requires a consultant to consult with community representatives and community services to develop a policy document specifically focused on the current issues impacting on communities because of drug and alcohol misuse and to identify responses to tackle these problems.
20th August 2011
Dead garda’s family calls for better help for alcoholicsThe family of a former garda found frozen to death in Wales has called for better support for sufferers of alcoholism in both Ireland and Wales.
18th August 2011
MLRC: Looking For Volunteers BefriendersHave you got a little time to spare each week?
17th August 2011
Calling addiction a brain disorder is ‘over-simplification’An Irish psychiatrist has disputed four-year research emerging from the US which claims addiction is a chronic brain disorder.
16th August 2011
Study: Alcohol is a poor nightcap.Alcohol is a poor nightcap and robs sleep of its restorative powers, research has shown.