
19th September 2011
National Drug Conference 2011 Programme is PublishedA draft programme for the upcoming National Drug Conference 2011 has just been published by the conference organisers.
18th September 2011
Sinn Féin condemns vigilante drug marchSinn Féin has condemned a vigilante-style march on Cork’s northside in which a coffin was reportedly thrown into the garden of a house.
16th September 2011
Dublin North East Drug Task Force: Invite to TenderTender Brief to devise a Protocol by which Community Representation is mandated to membership of DNEDTF Tender.
16th September 2011
Over 99% of Irish Defence Forces pass drug testsMore than 99 per cent of Ireland’s Defence Forces passed mandatory drugs tests last year.
15th September 2011
Northern Ireland: Legal high Ivory Wave to be bannedThe so-called legal high Ivory Wave will become a class B controlled drug, the Government has said.
15th September 2011
Conference: Parish Prevention of Substance MisuseThis conference is a collaboration between Crosscare Drug & Alcohol Programme (DAP) and the Irish Bishops Drugs Initiative (IBDI).
15th September 2011
Drink-driving bill tops Dail prioritiesThe Government’s legislation to lower the drink-driving limit even further will be one of the first items dealt with in the new Dail term.
15th September 2011
Interactive drama project will teach teenagers about dangers of drugsHundereds of teenagers will learn about the impact of drugs on the wider community as part of an interactive drama project due to take place in Limerick.
9th September 2011
Heroin epidemic gripping Ireland, say youth groupsIreland is in the grip of a “heroin epidemic”, while alcohol abuse among the young is leading them towards drug use, two youth support organisations warned yesterday.
8th September 2011
Ennis demands HSE methadone clinic as heroin addiction risesA Clare town is stepping up demands for the HSE to establish a methadone clinic.