
22nd November 2011
Irish illegal drug use ‘in decline’The consumption of illegal drugs has peaked across the Republic and is now in decline among most age groups for most drug types, a new nationwide study has found.
22nd November 2011
Drugs survey reveals that level of recent and current drug use remains stableMen and those aged 15-24 have highest recent use of illegal drugs.
22nd November 2011
Meet the middle-class ‘sophisticated alcoholics’Are you just a ‘normal’ person who maybe enjoys a few drinks after work or a few glasses of wine at home—it’s all part of unwinding, just a bit of harmless letting off of steam. You’re in control though—it’s not as if you can’t get up for work in the morning or forget to pay the mortgage.
22nd November 2011
Teenage drug use ‘widespread’, survey revealsGrass, hash, headshop drugs, ecstasy or pills, and, on a smaller scale, cocaine, are, in order of popularity, the drugs of choice among Irish teens, more of whom profess to drug taking than cigarette smoking, according to a new survey.
19th November 2011
Ireland has most users of heroin in EUEU Commission figures out today (Tuesday, November 15) show that Ireland has the highest-documented problem opioid use in the EU.
19th November 2011
Houses of the Oireachtas written Answers - National Drugs StrategyDeputy Joe Costello asked the Minister for Health the reason local drugs task force and community employment scheme managers were not consulted or made aware of the new eligibility rules for special projects; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
19th November 2011
One in eight too drunk to know if they were sexually assaultedMore than one in eight patients seen at a major sex assault treatment unit last year had taken so much drink they were unsure if they had been attacked.
18th November 2011
Psychiatric patients unaware of prescription drug risksMany psychiatrists are not informing people about the dangers of the long-term use of drugs they are prescribing — or about the medical problems which may develop later in life.
17th November 2011
The respectable face of drug addictionDrug addiction has a hidden face. The stereotypical image of a down-and-out heroin addict desperate for a fix can obscure the less familiar figure of the 40-something mum who secretly pops painkillers, watching the clock until it’s time for her next dose.
16th November 2011
Violent deaths among drug users more closely related to social exclusionViolent deaths among drug users may be more closely related to issues such as social exclusion and mental health difficulties rather than drug use itself a new study has found.