
5th December 2011
638 people died in 2009 due to drug useNew figures show 638 people died as a result of drugs in 2009, with the number killed by heroin rising by 20%.
5th December 2011
Health Research Board: 638 drug-related deaths and deaths among drug users in Ireland in 2009The number of heroin-related deaths increased by 20% in 2009.
5th December 2011
Heroin use deaths soar but drink is main killerThe number of deaths from heroin use has more than trebled since records began.
4th December 2011
We have moved!The service has transferred from Crosscare Drug and Alcohol Programme, to the Ana Liffey Drug Project, Dublin.
3rd December 2011
Grant Scheme Aims to Help Young People Tackle Smoking In Creative WaysThe Irish Cancer Society (IRC) is now accepting applications for their X-HALE Youth Awards grant scheme.
2nd December 2011
State subsidising below-cost alcoholThe State is subsidising supermarkets in selling cheap alcohol by refunding them VAT on drink sold at a loss, it emerged at an Oireachtas Committee yesterday.
2nd December 2011
Off-licences urge minimum pricesA body representing the off-licence trade has called for the introduction of minimum pricing on alcohol and a ban on below-cost selling, moves the Government has already signalled it is examining.
2nd December 2011
An alcohol-fuelled society“On one particular night at our club (the Dockworkers Social and Recreational), Jamesy, Archie and myself, having dined on deep-fried black pudding and chipped potatoes, opted for a digestif of canned lager. It was a modest five-litre special-offer beverage that had travelled well – from Tesco at Bathgate – and we, in Jamesy’s phrase, got ‘leathered intae it’ (today’s vulgar patois calls it binge-drinking).
1st December 2011
Irish live longer but drink moreFigures from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have revealed the average Irish person will now live to reach 80 years old.
1st December 2011
Health Committee to continue its examination of alcohol marketingThe Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children will resume its examination of the effects of alcohol marketing on young people tomorrow, 1st December when it meets with representatives of the National Off-Licence Association and Mature Enjoyment of Alcohol in Society Limited (MEAS).