
19th February 2012
The pub loses its pulling powerThe Irish Pub, says the Lonely Planet travel guide, is the country’s number-one attraction. Yet it is also doomed, according to leading food writer John McKenna. Health campaigners have its products in their cross-hairs, but the truth is that many of us are increasingly indifferent to its long-standing charms.
18th February 2012
Houses of The Oireachtas Written Answers - National Drugs StrategyDeputy Brian Stanley asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government if he will consider reversing the cut of €148,274 to a project (details supplied); if he will consider meeting the project to discuss the serious implications this cut will have; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
18th February 2012
Houses of The Oireachtas Written Answers - Drugs Task ForceDeputy Simon Harris asked the Minister for Health the funding allocated to a drugs task force (details supplied), in tabular form, for 2011 and 2012;
18th February 2012
Legislation to control illegal drugs may be the best solutionThe cause of Whitney Houston’s death remains undisclosed but the widespread assumption is that it was caused by drugs.
17th February 2012
Hidden realities of alcohol abuseWith the hidden depths of Ireland’s drink culture locked into statistics which point to one in four child welfare cases in Donegal being alcohol related and the county ranked third highest nationally in terms of numbers entering alcohol treatment units, the Director of the North-West Alcohol Forum yesterday posed the pointed question: “Do we need alcohol for every occasion?”
16th February 2012
Launch of new broad based drugs alliance initiativeCitywide Drugs Crisis Campaign along with SITPU, voluntary organisations, community drug services, church organisations, members of the artistic community and others are today launching a new broad based drugs initiative to give new and urgent impetus to the drugs crisis in Ireland today.
16th February 2012
Launch of new broad based drugs alliance initiativeCitywide Drugs Crisis Campaign along with SITPU, voluntary organisations, community drug services, church organisations, members of the artistic community and others are today launching a new broad based drugs initiative to give new and urgent impetus to the drugs crisis in Ireland today.
16th February 2012
Houses of the Oireachtas Topical Issue Debate - Prison Drug Treatment ServicesDeputy Jonathan O’Brien asked the Minister for Justice and Equality the number of prisoners on waiting lists for drug treatment programmes and the average waiting list time.
16th February 2012
Houses of the Oireachtas Topical Issue Debate - Drug Treatment ProgrammeDeputy Aengus Ó Snodaigh appeals to the Minister of State to review the proposal to close the Aisling Clinic in March.
14th February 2012
Community Awareness of Drugs: Introducing Drugs & Alcohol InterventionsIntroducing Drugs and Alcohol Interventions