
21st February 2012
Boozy films ‘turn children into drinkers’ doctors warnWatching films in which actors knock back alcohol can increase the risk of a child becoming an underage drinker, academics warn today.
21st February 2012
Movie boozing influences teenYoung teens who watch a lot of movies featuring alcohol are twice as likely to start drinking compared to peers who watch relatively few such films, according to new US research.
21st February 2012
Spirit of Fr Mathew needed to help us improve our relationship with alcoholRite & Reason: The battle cry of the Cork-born charismatic if sometimes controversial 19th century temperance leader Fr Theobald Mathew was, “Ar aghaigh linn in ainm Dé” (“Here goes in the name of God”).
21st February 2012
Cannabis-based drugs may be available on prescription soonCannabis-based medicinal products, such as Sativex, could soon be available to sufferers of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and other medical conditions on prescription.
21st February 2012
Smoking: The biggest killer of Irish womenSmoking has become the latest — and most deadly — fashion statement for women, as lung cancer now kills more women in Ireland than breast cancer.
21st February 2012
Dying for a cigarette - Time to stub out scourge of smokingTomorrow, Ash Wednesday, has been designated National No Smoking Day, and the Irish Cancer Society is launching its first major campaign aimed at young women who smoke tobacco.
20th February 2012
Senator calls for GPs to be allowed to provide illegal drugs to addictsIndependent Senator and Doctor, John Crown, has said medical professionals should be allowed to provide illegal drugs, such as heroin, to addicts or in certain medical circumstances.
20th February 2012
Pubs could help solve Ireland’s drink problemStrange as it may seem, the growing clamour for action over the abuse of alcohol could yet prove the saviour of the Irish pub.
19th February 2012
Sponsorship ‘vital’ to GAA, says Stadium DirectorThe Stadium Director of the GAA, Peter McKenna, has welcomed suggestions that the sponsorship of sporting and musical events by alcohol companies looks likely to continue for the time being.
19th February 2012
Cannabis-based medicines may be legalisedThe Department of Health is planning to make cannabis-containing products available to people suffering from certain serious medical conditions.