
24th February 2012
North/South Alcohol Conference Website & PresentationsThe webpage for the North/South Alcohol Conference: ‘Working together to develop a joint response to the challenge of alcohol’ is now available.
24th February 2012
Half an ecstasy tablet led to death of young womanThe parents of a fit and healthy young woman who died two days after taking half an ecstasy tablet revealed their heartbreak and devastation last night.
24th February 2012
Houses of the Oireachtas Health Services: Motion - Alcohol MisuseDeputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin asked the Minister for Health the actions he will be undertaking to progress the commitment made at the conference on alcohol misuse in Armagh last month to work with the Northern Executive on the introduction of minimum pricing on an all-Ireland basis; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
24th February 2012
Houses of the Oireachtas Health Services: Motion - National Substance Misuse Steering Group ReportDeputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin asked the Minister for Health if he endorses the findings and recommendations of the National Substance Misuse Steering Group published on 7 February 2012; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
24th February 2012
Houses of the Oireachtas Health Services: Motion - Drug Treatment ProgrammeDeputy Simon Harris asked the Minister for Health the cost of the methadone programme in an area (details supplied) for each of the years 2008 to 2012; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
24th February 2012
Houses of the Oireachtas Private Members Business - Local Drugs Task ForcesDeputy Michael Conaghan asked the Minister for Education and Skills if he will list any mainstream drug projects which have received funding from him since 1997; and if he will detail the amount of funding provided to each scheme in each of the years 1997 to date in 2012.
24th February 2012
Over 250 pubs and off-licences targeted in underage-selling operationMore than 250 pubs and off-licences have been targeted in sting operations designed to curb the underage selling of alcohol since new legislation was introduced.
24th February 2012
Ecstasy reaction killed studentA reaction to the drug ecstasy resulted in the death of a 22-year-old Cork student after last year’s Electric Picnic.
23rd February 2012
Houses of the Oireachtas Health Services: Motion - Pricing OrdersDeputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation if he will support the re-introduction of a ban on below cost selling of alcohol products; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
22nd February 2012
HSE Dublin Mid Leinster publishes Regional Service Plan 2012The HSE Dublin Mid Leinster (DML) Regional Service Plan 2012 was presented at a meeting of the Regional Forum today Tuesday, February 21.