20th June 2012
Alcohol now in top-shelf of Food Pyramid — DoHThe Department of Health has included alcohol in the top-shelf of the Food Pyramid, which has foodstuffs that contain approximately 100 calories and need to be restricted to only one serving per day.
20th June 2012
Addicts told help is availableAn event being held in Croke Park today is being billed by organisers as the biggest celebration of recovery from addiction held in Ireland.
19th June 2012
Narrowing of regional differences in the use of illegal drugsThe National Advisory Committee on Drugs (NACD) today, 19th June 2012, presents the second bulletin from a series of seven arising from the data collected in the third drug prevalence survey Drug Use in Ireland and Northern Ireland 2010/11.
19th June 2012
Binge drinking takes hold for Irish teensWith exam students preparing to celebrate, the results of their binge drinking are taking their toll, writes Brian O’Connell
19th June 2012
Report: Stop adventure trips for anti-social teensAdventure trips for adolescents engaged in anti-social behaviour should be dropped because they can make matters worse and are seen as rewarding bad behaviour.
16th June 2012
The Report of the Lord Mayor’s Commission on Antisocial BehaviourThe Report of the Lord Mayor’s Commission on antisocial behaviour was officially launched in the Mansion House, Dublin, on Tuesday 12th of June 2012.
15th June 2012
Houses of the Oireachtas Written Answers: Community Employment Drug Rehabilitation ProjectsDeputy Maureen O’Sullivan asked the Minister for Social Protection her plans to ensure the survival of community employment drug rehab projects whose numbers are in serous decline as a result of the changes in concurrent payments for CE participants in the Social Welfare Bill 2012.
15th June 2012
€350k of head shop drugs point to ‘lucrative trade’Drug experts have said the seizure of 10kg of head shop drugs indicates a “lucrative trade” of the former legal highs on the black market.
12th June 2012
Proposed increase in penalty pointsAn increase in penalty points for speeding and using a mobile phone while driving are proposed in a report by the Department of Transport published yesterday.
11th June 2012
From the UK: Doctors call for ban on TV adverts for alcoholThirty leading medical bodies and charities have called for a total ban on advertising for alcohol on television.