8th October 2013
Smoking by pregnant mothers leaves children with smaller brains, research findsChildren born to mothers who smoke during pregnancy have smaller brains and are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression, according to research just published.
7th October 2013
The darknet rises: unravelling the web’s underbellyThis week the FBI arrested Ross William Ulbricht, whom it claims is notorious online as the Dread Pirate Roberts, and shut a hub of alleged illegal activity. But many other sites could take its place online
7th October 2013
Reilly tells Big Tobacco: come ahead and sue usHealth Minister James Reilly has defiantly challenged Big Tobacco to sue Ireland and its taxpayers for billions of euro over his plans to introduce plain packaging for all cigarettes.
7th October 2013
Fears over drug-driver case played downLegal authorities have played down fears that a recent court case, which saw a prosecution against a motorist who admitted smoking two joints of cannabis dismissed, could set a precedent for other drug drivers to evade conviction.
6th October 2013
Ireland Health Officials Issue Guidance For Providers In Diagnosing Anthrax In Injecting Drug UsersWith dozens of confirmed cases of anthrax reported throughout Europe since 2009, including scores of cases in neighboring Scotland and England, the Irish Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) in Dublin has issued guidance to assist clinicians in Ireland in clinical and microbiological assessment of suspected cases of infection with B. anthracis in injecting drug users (IDUs).
4th October 2013
Plan for a ‘tobacco free Ireland’ publishedA plan to reduce the prevalence of smoking in Ireland to less than 5 per cent of the population by 2025 has been published by Minister for Health James Reilly.
3rd October 2013
Judge: Joint smoker in control of carA motorist who admitted smoking two cannabis joints half an hour before driving denied he was incapable of driving and the judge agreed, dismissing the case against him.
3rd October 2013
FBI shuts down site that sold $80m worth of drugs, hitmen services and other illegal itemsUS authorities arrested the owner of Silk Road, a website which lived on the Deep Web and allowed users buy and sell illegal drugs using the virtual currency Bitcoin.
2nd October 2013
Alcohol ‘promoted in chart hits’References to alcohol in the lyrics of chart hits by singers like Katy Perry could be encouraging young people to drink, according to new research.
2nd October 2013
Cabinet close to agreement on alcohol strategy, but sponsorship ban will be deferredAn agreement on the government’s strategy for tackling alcohol misuse is likely to be reached in the next two weeks with a “a lot of progress” made yesterday, a Minister has said.