
26th September 2016
One sixth of teens in fights after drinkingA sixth of 15 to 16 year-olds have been involved in a fight and a tenth have been in trouble with gardaí after the consumption of alcohol, according to an official report.
26th September 2016
Northern Ireland: Just two people charged since new laws on ‘legal highs’JUST two people in the north have faced charges in the four months since the introduction of a new law cracking down on ‘legal highs’.
21st September 2016
Irish teen drinking at a low in European table for alcohol useIreland is now near the bottom of the European table for cigarette and alcohol use among Irish teenage pupils thanks to a continuing reduction in the consumption of both substances.
20th September 2016
Rising numbers hospitalised for taking anabolic steroidsRising numbers of people are being hospitalised in Ireland for taking anabolic steroids.
19th September 2016 National Youth Media Awards Launch & Exhibition Invite - October 3rd 2016.The “Let’s Talk about Drugs” National Youth Media Awards Competition 2017 Launch & Exhibition will take place in City Hall, Dublin, on October 3rd at 11:00am
17th September 2016
Drug centres must be located in city centre, says junior MinisterCatherine Byrne says she would fight to retain needle exchange in south inner city.
15th September 2016
Naloxone programme set to be expanded across IrelandThe HSE’s National Director for Primary Care Mr John Hennessy has said the Executive is fully committed to expanding the use of naloxone on the basis of a demonstration project, the results of which were recently published.
14th September 2016
Fears grow that powerful ‘super heroin’ will cause more deaths on city streetsFears are growing that the latest lethal drug to hit the streets - known as fentanyl or ‘super heroin’ - will drive up the death toll in the capital.
12th September 2016
Alcohol should play no part in Junior Certificate celebrations, says Alcohol Action Ireland“It’s natural that students who are getting their Junior Cert results this week want to celebrate the achievement with their friends.
12th September 2016
Medical cannabis: Is it high time for a change?A bill tabled in the Dáil in July has put the issue back on the political agenda and this week Dublin prepares to host a global summit on medical marijuana. But Irish patients who want to use the drug to alleviate their symptoms are still in limbo.