
18th December 2016
Christmas drink-driving rates increase by 35%Christmas drink-driving rates have soared by more than a third already this year, official figures suggest.
17th December 2016
GHB Harm Reduction Campaign Launched in IrelandGHB Harm Reduction Campaign Launched in Ireland
16th December 2016
New Bill makes it an offence to drive under influence of drugs.National Transport Authority given right to regulate rickshaw drivers
16th December 2016
Detox beds, not injecting rooms, are the answer to drug problemDetox beds, not injecting rooms, are the answer to drug problem
14th December 2016
‘Don’t let the hidden harm of alcohol abuse define you’ competition winner Daniel recalls his experience of alcohol abuse in the home.
13th December 2016
Drug-related deaths: 62% increase in fatalities over ten-year periodTHE LATEST FIGURES on drug-related deaths, released today, show that almost two people die each day as a result of poisoning, trauma or medical causes linked to drug use.
13th December 2016
Dangerous industrial cleaner linked to rising popularity of ‘chemsex’Use of drugs to enhance sexual pleasure is suspected over sharp rise in HIV, syphilis and gonorrhoea
13th December 2016
Health Research Board publish latest drug-related deaths figuresThe latest figures from the Health Research Board (HRB) show that almost two people died each day in Ireland during 2014 as a result of poisoning, trauma or medical causes linked to drug use. A total of 697* people died in 2014 compared to 431 in 2004 – this represents an increase of 62%.
12th December 2016
Irish Times partners with ‘Let’s Talk About Drugs’ Youth Media AwardsChance to have work published on Student Hub site for National Youth Media Awards
12th December 2016
When politicians support cannabis-based medicines they’re supporting medicine, not cannabisLAST WEEK SAW a significant move towards the regulation of cannabis-based treatments in Ireland