
27th December 2016
Crack-cocaine and synthetic cannabinoids: Concern over new drug trends in DublinCONCERN HAS BEEN raised over two apparent new drug trends in Dublin.
21st December 2016
40 arrested on suspicion of drink-driving in two daysMore than 500 motorists have been arrested since the start of this year’s garda campaign targeting drink-driving.
21st December 2016
Gardaí given new powers to test drivers for drugs at roadsideAN GARDA SÍOCHÁNA have been given new powers to test drivers for drugs at the roadside.
20th December 2016
Women who drink two glasses of wine a night ‘need liver scans’Women who drink two glasses of wine a night should be sent for liver scans by their GPs to check for cirrhosis, new health guidance in Britain recommends.
19th December 2016
Recovery Academy of Ireland information morning Thursday 22 DecemberThe Recovery Academy is a co-op where everyone who joins becomes a member and has an equal vote and an equal say.
19th December 2016
Sexual health and addiction services launch ‘G’ harm reduction resourcesResources include a fact sheet, a poster, a web page and a ‘G’ card.
19th December 2016
Getting to the heart of medical cannabis in Co LongfordTransition Year students Patrick Kenny and Sean McGuire from Lanesboro Community College are currently completing their project for next year’s BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition.
19th December 2016
Cannabis bill ‘may be Trojan horse’A senior HSE psychiatrist has strongly criticised a Private Members’ Bill currently going through the Oireachtas relating to medicinal cannabis, claiming “at best, it is an example of using an industrial jack-hammer to crack open a peanut and at worst it is a Trojan horse”.
19th December 2016
Dr Ciara Kelly: Sheer stupidity and dangers of the 12-pub Christmas binge‘In the first pub of Christmas my true love gave to me…” If these words don’t mean much to you then perhaps you’ve missed out on one of our newer Christmas traditions - The 12 pubs of Christmas.
19th December 2016
It’s time to smoke out the lies about cannabisDespite its portrayal, cannabis is not a soft and cuddly narcotic. Everyone needs to remember it’s a very addictive drug of marginal medicinal value, says Dr Bobby Smyth.