
6th March 2017
Needle exchange gets thumbs up from usersA health promotion initiative targeting drug injectors — funded by an Elton John charity — has been rated a success by users and pharmacy staff, according to an evaluation.
2nd March 2017
Politicians urged to back mandatory drink-driving banRoad victims’ group appeals to committee members to support Shane Ross’s legislation
1st March 2017
HIV Ireland launches National HIV Stigma Survey: Survey to Explore HIV Stigma & DiscriminationHIV Ireland launches National HIV Stigma Survey to Explore HIV Stigma & Discrimination
1st March 2017
Irish Pain Society backs use of medical cannabisThe HPRA report recommended against the use of medical cannabis for the treatment of chronic pain.
1st March 2017
Minimum pricing key to tackling drink crisisTackling the pricing on alcohol is a priority to ease ‘urgent crisis’ here, says top medic.
28th February 2017
New Community Detoxification Guidelines PublishedThe Ana Liffey Drug Project have published revised Community Detoxification Guidelines for benzodiazepine and methadone.
28th February 2017
‘If you’re over the alcohol limit, you’re over the limit’: Ross wants more support for drink-drivingShane Ross says he hopes publicans and those living in rural areas will make the “necessary arrangements” to ensure they get home safely.
27th February 2017
Sharp rise in ecstasy and cannabis use as alcohol sales increaseEcstasy and cannabis use is rising sharply in many parts of the country, particularly among young people, regional figures from a national drugs survey show.
27th February 2017
We’re drinking 5% more than in 2015, says Alcohol Action IrelandIrish people drank an average of 5% more alcohol last year than the previous year, according to an analysis of official figures by Alcohol Action Ireland.
27th February 2017
Personal drug allowance would help injecting centre succeedSafe, supervised facilities will encourage drug addicts to seek further treatment