
16th April 2017
Plan to tackle alcohol abuse as liver cancer diagnoses up 300pcAlcohol is fuelling a surge in liver cancer, particularly in men, a new report has warned.
14th April 2017
Information about Garda roadside preliminary drug testingThe introduction of Garda roadside preliminary drug testing begins on 13 April 2017.
13th April 2017
Forum seeks to give voice to most-vulnerable drug usersOrganisation aims to advocate for improved services and more rapid access to treatment
13th April 2017
Drug warning over middle-aged motorists who ‘borrow’ tablets and driveROAD SAFETY CHIEFS have issued a warning to people who may abuse Valium-like drugs and get behind the wheel.
12th April 2017
‘I can have one joint, right?’ Everything you need to know about roadside drug testingNew devices were unveiled to reporters today. Here’s what you need to know.
12th April 2017
Campaign tackles drug driving and promotes awareness of new Preliminary Drug TestingThe Road Safety Authority (RSA) launched its fifth in a series of anti-drug driving awareness campaigns in association with An Garda Síochána on 12th April 2017.
10th April 2017
Legalising cannabis could boost Irish tax revenues by millionsUS entrepreneur claims pharmaceutical industry against legalisation
10th April 2017
Call for outreach programmes for people with hepatitis CThe Health Service Executive has provided €30m to fund treatment for hepatitis C.
7th April 2017
Comment: No country in developed world deems it safe to drink and drive. That’s just scienceIt’s been a torrid few days for road safety campaigners. Proposals to impose an automatic three-month driving ban on motorists caught driving over the legal limit have been slammed by some TDs as sounding the death knell for rural Ireland
6th April 2017
9 things you need to know about supervised drug injecting facilitiesWe asked Ana Liffey Drug Project Director, Tony Duffin about how these new facilities will affect the capital