
25th April 2017
Exams a bad time for stop smoking campaignA survey of more than 700 students has found that smokers on a university campus are more likely to be aged 22 or above and live in their own accommodation
24th April 2017
Drug dealing happens in mental health facilities across the country, doctor saysInjection centres, medicinal cannabis and investment were on the agenda at the IMO’s annual conference.
21st April 2017
600 babies born with Foetal Alcohol Syndrome every yearAround 600 babies are born with Foetal Alcohol Syndrome in Ireland each year.
21st April 2017
‘I was humiliated by drug driving arrest because of my medication’ - driver hits out at new lawsA motorist who failed one of the country’s first roadside drug driving tests has hit out at the new laws after he claims his medication caused him to fail the test.
21st April 2017
Should drink drivers get an automatic ban? Doctors will be debating that todayMEDICAL PROFESSIONALS FROM all over Ireland will be in Galway today for the Irish Medical Organisation’s AGM.
20th April 2017
Over 3,000 children in Tallaght at risk from exposure to parental substance abuseMORE than 3,000 children living in Tallaght are at risk of being seriously affected by parental substance misuse in the home, a new body of research has revealed.
18th April 2017
Decriminalisation of all drugs for personal use consideredGrowing calls in recent years for the decriminalisation of drugs for personal use
16th April 2017
72 gardaí trained to use drug testJust over 70 gardaí have been trained in how to use the new roadside drug testing devices, writes Joyce Fegan.
16th April 2017
Decriminalise certain drugs to focus on the big problems, says criminologistA leading criminologist believes efforts to make a serious dent in drug-trafficking into Ireland can only succeed if the use of some drugs is decriminalised and there’s less of a focus on smaller seizures.
16th April 2017
A drug with ‘zombie-like’ effects is causing huge problems in Manchester. So what is it?A surge in use of the former legal high known as ‘spice’ has put huge pressure on the emergency services in Manchester.