
6th June 2017
Bill to segregate alcohol in shops could be Varadkar’s first targetFG leader introduced legislation as minister for health but proposal stalled in Seanad
6th June 2017
Alcohol is issue for most at addiction centreMore than 60% of the clients who attended an addiction treatment centre last year are holding down full-time jobs.
1st June 2017
Worrying drink driving figures up 18% on same period last yearThere has been an increase of 18% in the number of arrests for driving under the influence (DUI), compared with the same period in 2016.
1st June 2017
Alcohol Action Ireland applauds comments from special rapporteur on child protectionAlcohol Action Ireland notes the publication of ‘An Audit of the exercise by An Garda Síochána of the provisions of Section 12 of the Child Care Act 1991’. The audit, and published report, was conducted and produced by the Special Rapporteur on Child Protection, Dr. Geoffrey Shannon
31st May 2017
Drug 100 times more potent than morphine being mixed with heroin and cocaineTony Duffin of Ana Liffey Drug Project says the trend is causing “great uncertainty and people are frightened
29th May 2017
Roadside drug tests may tackle prescription painkiller ‘epidemic’Emergency medicine consultant berates ‘intellectual snobbery’ around cocaine use
25th May 2017
HSE below target for PNEX pharmaciesThere has been no difficulty recruiting pharmacies into the Pharmacy Needle Exchange Service (PNEX) despite the fact that the HSE is below its target for the number of pharmacies it would like to be participating.
24th May 2017
Just half a glass of wine a day increases the risk of breast cancer, new report saysA new report has suggested drinking just half a glass of wine or a small beer a day can increase the risk of breast cancer.
24th May 2017
For those with both substance use and mental-health issues, a lack of servicesValerie Farragher turned to drink to get through the day when she was depressed and quickly developed a serious problem.
23rd May 2017
ICGP Conference: Managing Problem Alcohol & Drug Use in Primary CareThe ICGP Substance Misuse Programme will host this one-day conference on ‘Managing Problem Alcohol and Drug Use in Primary Care’