
28th June 2017
Grave concern over increase in young people using ‘Dial A Drink’Concerns are being raised about the impact ‘Dial A Drink’ services are having in Ireland.
28th June 2017
Drink driving is getting worse: alcohol factor in 38pc fatal crashesOur Road Safety Authority expert fears ‘just two will do’ attitude of yesteryear will creep back
26th June 2017
Alcohol and a society in denialSir, – Research emerged recently that strongly points to the harmful effect that alcohol has on our brains (“Just a few drinks will damage the brain, research shows”, June 6th).
23rd June 2017
‘Our children’s television viewing is bombarded with the thrills and spills of alcohol’Our legislators need to take action and alter our harmful relationship with alcohol, writes Dr Bobby Smyth.
22nd June 2017
About 5% of world population abused drugs in recent years, says UNAt least twice as many men as women suffer from drug use disorders, the UN report said
20th June 2017
Glass half full? Should your teenager be allowed to drink after exams?Cheap booze, peer pressure and parents’ poor examples make a dangerous cocktail
20th June 2017
Kenny among TDs who helped alcohol industry lobby Health DepartmentFormer Taoiseach Enda Kenny was among the many politicians who made representations to the Department of Health after being lobbied by the drinks industry objecting to proposed legislation to curb alcohol consumption.
19th June 2017
Young people opposed to Good Friday alcohol law changeYoung people aged 18 to 24 have the greatest opposition to changing Good Friday drinking laws, new research has found.
15th June 2017
HSE advise parents to “ask about alcohol” with teenagers ahead of exam celebrationsThe HSE is encouraging parents to talk to teenagers about alcohol ahead of their Leaving and Junior Certificate end of exam celebrations this month.
15th June 2017
Carlsberg was top tackler of ad rules in EurosWith probably one of the best-known brand slogans in the world, it is unsurprising Carlsberg proved wiliest at circumventing local regulations designed to protect children from alcohol advertising during Euro 2016.