
10th July 2017
Crack cocaine in Ireland: The rise of an ugly drugThe substance is becoming a major problem, but the State is ill-equipped to deal with it
6th July 2017
‘Lobbyists are lining up to kill the Alcohol Bill’Senator Frances Black finds it ‘disheartening’ to watch legislation picked apart that she believes will protect families all over Ireland.
6th July 2017
Young midlands woman ‘would not be dead’ if local drug treatment was availableThe Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health was told today there is an urgent need for the link between ill health and homelessness to be recognised
6th July 2017
Two alcoholic drinks a day raises cancer risks, says studyIrish people who drink an average of two alcoholic drinks a day are placing themselves at an increased risk of developing bowel and oesophageal cancer.
5th July 2017
Dublin businesses considering legal challenge to drug injection centresBusinesses in Dublin are considering legal challenges against government laws which will allow supervised drug injection centres in the city centre.
4th July 2017
Dyslexia and Drug Use Conference: Hiding in Plain Sightby Soilse and Dyslexia Association of Ireland
4th July 2017
Over 56,000 people in Ireland get help for alcohol abuseMore than 56,000 people across the country have been treated for problem alcohol use between 2009 and 2015.
3rd July 2017
The average person in alcohol treatment in Ireland is 41, male and started drinking at 16The Health Research Board has published new figures on alcohol use between 2009 and 2015.
3rd July 2017
Cocaine use rise as ecomony returns is one of challenges for State labAn eye-opening visit to lab responsible for testing and measuring Garda drug seizures
29th June 2017
Drunken abuse of children ‘a crisis’Violence against young people by parents abusing alcohol has been described as a “national crisis” by the author of an audit on child protection within the State.