17th July 2017
Midwives with special skills are needed ‘to help alcoholic mothers-to-be’Specialist midwives trained to support pregnant women with alcohol problems are needed, according to a major new strategy for tackling Ireland’s drug problem.
17th July 2017
Possession of small quantities of drugs could be decriminalisedNational Drugs Strategy will govern approach to substance abuse through 2020
14th July 2017
Cannabis bill: Recreational use fearedA bill to legalise cannabis for medicinal use was rejected by the Oireachtas Health Committee out of fear that it could decriminalise the recreational use of the drug, it has emerged.
14th July 2017
Late concessions in bid to secure new drugs strategyDoubts over the forthcoming launch of the National Drugs Strategy appear to have subsided after community groups secured late concessions in relation to effective implementation structures and actions to tackle alcohol abuse, intimidation and youth disadvantage.
12th July 2017
Six Government Ministers against tougher drink driving lawConfusion reigns over whether Ministers of State will be bound by Cabinet decision.
12th July 2017
Vote on tougher drink-driving laws deferredA Dáil vote on beefing up drink-drive laws has been postponed until the autumn but a number of ministers have expressed concern about plans to take offenders off the roads.
12th July 2017
92 babies suffering from drug withdrawal recorded in Irish hospitals last yearNINETY-TWO NEWBORN babies were discharged from Irish hospitals with drug addiction withdrawal symptoms in 2016.
11th July 2017
Ross calls for free vote on his controversial drink-driving BillAlcohol industry is campaigning against the proposed law seeking to automatically ban drink-drivers
11th July 2017
Alcohol lobby fights backIs Leo Varadkar in thrall to the drinks industry or simply unprepared to confront vested interests
10th July 2017
Drugs task force says ‘decriminalising’ would send out wrong messageDecriminalising possession of drugs would send out a confusing message to vulnerable people, warned the Tallaght Drugs and Alcohol Task Force.