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Below is a series of short video clips answering a number of questions about legal and illegal highs. A text version of the videos is available here

What are the different types of legal and illegal highs?

Video Powders and bath salts Video Herbal highs and smokable products Video Party pills Video Hallucinogens

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Video What effects do the powders and bath salts have? Video What psychological problems can they cause? Video Are there any particular risks for young people? Video How serious a problem are they? Video What are the physical side effects? Video Are there any long term side effects? Video What about mental health problems?Video Are they safe to use if pregnant? Video Can they damage the brain? Video Can they cause death?* Video Is it dangerous to use them with other drugs such as alcohol? Video Are they as dangerous as other drugs?

*since recording at least one death has been directly attributed to the use of legal or illegal highs in the Republic of Ireland.

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