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Drugs awareness campaign to be launched

The HSE is to launch a major public awareness campaign on drugs later today.

Entitled 'Legal or illegal highs - they're anything but safe' - the campaign will focus on the dangers and risks to mental and physical health posed by such substances.

It comes ahead of new legislation that will stop head shops selling psychoactive drugs.

The number of so called 'head shops' has halved since the Government's clampdown on legal highs in May.

Source: The Irish Examiner, 07/06/2010

Posted by Andy on 07/07 at 07:46 AM in Legal and illegal highs
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(1) Comments


#1. Posted by Gemma on July 08, 2010

So will these warnings not to get stoned/high and hence keep to yourself be showed just before or just after the many commercials that glorify alcohol?





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