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Programme to reduce the health-related harms from cocaine and ‘crack’ cocaine

Is cocaine (powder or crack) taking over your life? Do you wish you could stop using cocaine or use less?


Take a look at the eHealth videos below that outline the highs and lows of cocaine use, ways you can reduce the health harms of cocaine use, and the treatment/support options available to you.

Free support (group-based and one-to-one) is available to you in your community. 

Call 018110595 or email for more information, if you are:

All services are provided in partnership with the HSE through community-based services across the north Dublin area, and are free of charge and non-judgemental.


eHealth videos:

An introduction to our Harm Reduction series on cocaine
Harm Reduction Episode 2 - The Highs and Lows of cocaine use
Harm Reduction Episode 3 – Triggers associated with cocaine use
Harm Reduction Episode 4 – Harm Reduction tips if using cocaine
Harm reduction Episode 5 - Services and support available for cocaine users


Download poster here


Posted by on 03/20 at 04:15 PM in
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