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ALDP ‘People like us’ exhibition

The Ana Liffey Drug Project (ALDP) is a low-threshold harm reductions service based in Dublin City Centre, Limerick and the North East. Since it was established in 1982, the ALDP have expanded services to include assertive outreach. The assertive outreach team reach out to the people who don’t come in to services or who may not know the service is there for them to access. The team provide needle and syringe exchange, access to a phone to make calls, advocate on behalf of the person if requested and make referrals as appropriate. This work takes places in café’s, streets and community settings that suit the person.

The ALDP recently completed a series of seven stories along with portraits of some of the people they have linked in with through the assertive outreach team. The talented Peter Varga from Humans of Dublin met each of the seven people, heard their story and took their portrait. The result is the ‘People Like Us’ project which has been developed in partnership with Dublin City Council, HSE and the NEIC office.

The project is being launched in Unit 3 James Joyce Street on Thursday 20th December and is open to visitors from noon and all the following day 21st December.  

The portraits will then be on display in various locations across the city centre throughout January

You can find out more about the project here

Posted by on 12/17 at 04:16 PM in
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