menu Stage 1

Standard Drinks Calculator

Calculate your own level of drinking with this interactive drinks calculator.

Screenshot of a non-functional standard drinks calculator. This is an example of a calculator, not one we've selected for use.


During the past week, Please indicate the number of standard drinks you drank on each day?

Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun

Please enter the data into the standard drinks calculator and it will calculate how many standard drinks. If your alcohol consumption/ drinking varies considerably from one week to the next please fill out the monthly calendar also.

All feedback following completion of the AUDIT regardless of score will feature feedback based on their typical pattern of weekly alcohol use as follows:

  • Advise whether personal alcohol consumption should be reduced or maintained within the current levels
  • The number of alcohol-free days should be indicated alongside information stating that it is advisable to have at least 2-3 per week.
  • Advice on the number of binge drinking episodes during the week and suggestions to consume less on certain occasions

Thank you for viewing the information on Standrard Drinks.

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