menu Stage 3

Further AUDIT questions: score 16-19 (higher risk)

Based on your answers about how much alcohol you consume and whether you have experienced any problems in connection with your drinking, it appears that you may already be experiencing alcohol -related problems as your results show that you are within the harmful drinking range. Harmful drinking is a pattern of alcohol use that is already causing damage to health. It arises following a long period of hazardous use. The damage may be physical or mental and commonly has social consequences. If you continue to drink at current levels, it means that you are at higher risk for many of the health and emotional problems than those who drink at a lower level than you.

While many people abstain from alcohol completely, most people who drink do so sensibly. Your responses to the questionnaire indicate that you fall into the higher risk category. Your level of drinking presents risks to your health and possible other aspects of your life.

Risk Your Score Men Women Common effects
Low risk   21standard drinks or fewer per week or up to 4 standard drinks a day 14 standard drinks or fewer per week or up to 3 standard drinks per day
  • Increased relaxation
  • Alcohol consumption at very low levels can provide a protective effect in middle and older age groups for certain diseases mainly heart disease, stroke and diabetes mellitus. At higher levels of consumption this protective effect is lost and the risk of disease increases.
  • Sociability
  • Alcohol even at low risk-levels of consumption, increases the risk of many major diseases including numerous cancers and gastrointestinal conditions.
Increasing risk-hazardous   22-49 standard drinks per week or regular drinking of no more than 4 standard drinks per day 15-35 standard drinks per week or regular drinking of more than 3 standard drinks a day
  • Less energy
  • Depression/Stress
  • Insomnia
  • Impotence
  • Risk of injury
  • High blood pressure
  • Unsafe sex practices
Higher risk- harmful drinking Your score indicates you are here. 50+ standard drinks per week 36+ standard drinks per week

All of the above and:

  • Memory loss
  • Increased risk of liver disease
  • Increased risk of cancer including breast, liver and cancers of the mouth.
  • Possible alcohol dependence
  • Depression
  • Increased risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • Harm to relationships, work, studies, friendships or social life.
High Risk -possible dependence   50+ standard drinks per week 36+ standard drinks per week

A higher risk of all of the above and:

  • Risk of brain damage
  • Increased weight gain and poor physical condition.
  • Risk of experiencing withdrawal symptoms

Rate your drinking

You appear to be drinking at a rate that increases your risk of harm, what do you think? Can you rate on a scale of 1 to 10 how important it is for you to change your drinking? (With 1 being not important and 10 being very important).

Not important         Very Important
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Depending on where someone scores users will be allocated advice for pre-contemplators, contemplators or action.

Precontemplators advice >>

Contemplators advice >>

Action advice >>

If you wish to read more information on alcohol please visit our Alcohol Info section. You can also view services in your area or launch the online interactive live helper chat service to speak to someone directly.

Thank you for taking the time to visit the site and share your answers.

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